Launch Date
4th december 2017
The Petition
This year the Erasmus Programme is celebrating its 30th anniversary. The Erasmus Programme has helped millions of young people and education professionals to travel abroad, study, and gain experience and skills. It has completely transformed European universities as well as European society. As Italian writer Umberto Eco said: “Erasmus created a first generation of European youth”.
Since 2015, the Erasmus+ programme has opened its borders and also reached the Southern Mediterranean countries, acting as a catalyst by paving the way for making international cooperation a priority.
Over time, the European Union received requests by numerous authorities and organisations to support a mobility programme for students open to the participation of academic and educational institutions of the Southern Mediterranean countries. The last relevant initiative was the appeal of five members of the European Parliament in 2011 to stimulate the European Commission to create a Mediterranean Erasmus.
UNIMED has joined the efforts of this appeal by launching, at its 2011 General Assembly, an on-line petition to the EU Commission aimed at promoting the international dimension of the Erasmus programme and at widening the programme to Southern Mediterranean universities. That petition collected around 6.000 signatures from 55 countries and was delivered to the EU Commissioner for Education and Culture in January 2012. This shows the strong interest and need to have a Euro-Mediterranean Erasmus programme.
The extension of the mobility programmes to the Southern Mediterranean countries will give the students and young people of the European and Southern Mediterranean countries the possibility to contribute to create the conditions for the establishment by future political generations of increased cooperation in the Mediterranean basin.
Therefore, following our commitment and the 2011 petition, we still strongly encourage the international dimension of the Erasmus Programme. In particular, we support the two current actions – “International Credit Mobility” and “Capacity Building for Higher Education”; because we believe that the representatives of academic and educational institutions must contribute to the definition of new models of education able to guarantee communities leading to a peaceful and prosperous future.
Furthermore, we believe that, through sharing best practices and lessons learned as well as through capacity building activities, the Erasmus+ Programme can support Higher Education Institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean region in responding to the need to integrate refugee students in their education systems.
For these reasons, we ask you to support this new petition in order to achieve together, as we did in 2011, new results for the benefit of the future of the students, the university staff and the Higher Education Institutions of the Euro-Mediterranean area.
By signing this petition, you will help us ask the European Commission:
- To strengthen the International Credit Mobility dimension of the Erasmus+ Programme (programming period 2021-2027) to help participants (students and staff) to acquire key skills, support their professional development and help them deepen their knowledge and understanding of other cultures. This can be achieved by increasing the number of scholarships from the current number of about 8.000 grants per year (students and staff from South to North and vice-versa) to 30.000 per year;
- To support Southern Mediterranean Countries in establishing a regional mobility scheme (South-South Mobility);
- To continue to support the integration of refugee students and academics in the Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education systems;
- To reinforce the “Capacity Building” action to work together, develop, share and transfer best practices and innovative approaches in the fields of education, training and youth.
As UNIMED founder Prof. Franco Rizzi said, “Mediterranean is our destiny” and we, as UNIMED, are convinced that we should live this destiny together, hand in hand, thus creating the vision of a Mediterranean region promoting a new Erasmus Mediterranean Generation for peace and prosperity.
Do you want to sign the Petition?
Click on the number to see the signatures
Individual signatures list
Name | Comment |
Marcello Scalisi | ----- |
carmen torres | cd |
Federica De Giorgi | any |
Valentina Chiarini | ----- |
Anne-Laurence Pastorini | ----- |
Paola ROMANO | ----- |
Silvia Marchionne | ----- |
Raffaele Longo | ----- |
Martina Zipoli | ----- |
Emilia Stoduto | ----- |
Raniero Chelli | ----- |
Cristina Stefanelli | I sign because academic cooperation and international mobility of students and youth change lives, and are are key ingredients to reach our shared objectives of stability and prosperity in our Mediterranean region |
Mustapha Bennouna | ----- |
Elena Avgoustidou-Kyriacou | ----- |
Marco Ferri | ----- |
Naouel ABDELLATIF MAMI | ----- |
sana harbi | ----- |
Alessandro Bianchi | Una grande iniziativa che sarò lieto di sostenere |
Maria Teresa Petrilli | ----- |
Marco Di Donato | ----- |
Imene Bakiri | ----- |
Francesco Fabbrocino | ----- |
Fausto Di Quarto | ----- |
Emanuele Greco | ----- |
Marta Laranjo | ----- |
Cinzia Generali | ----- |
Giuseppe Giliberti | ----- |
Alessandra Carucci | ----- |
Giovanna Gallo | I agree because I strongly believe in the importance of humanities for a bettter world |
Saulo Delle Donne | ----- |
Claudia Minniti | ----- |
Gianluca Tagliamonte | ----- |
Adriana Galvani | My career has been based on Erasmus and many other EU grants and projects. |
Angelica Ranieli | ----- |
Recep Caner Erselcan | I was Erasmus student at Pavia Italy,formerly.I m supporting petition.Pls provide to better legal and financial conditions to the exchange student to increase mobility. |
Cinzia Ferraris | ----- |
Mounir Ben Achour | ----- |
Faical Tajeddine | ----- |
Jacqueline Bacha | ----- |
Licio Ferrario | Erasmus is absolutly the best esperience of my live! |
Bibiana Crespo | ----- |
Ahmad Diab | ----- |
Claudia Bellucci | ----- |
fethi sellaouti | ----- |
Riccardo Imperatori | ----- |
Mariona Grane | ----- |
Francesc García Grimau | ----- |
Asma Errais | ----- |
Maroun Kosseifi | ----- |
Wail Benjelloun | North-South mobility for young people reinforces understanding of the other and counters xenophobic and maladaptive behavior. The Erasmus program has contributed to capacity building and understanding the other. It needs to be reinforced in the mutual interest of North and South Mediterranean youth, who will be tomorrow's leaders. |
Rueda Pedro | ----- |
Marina Solé Català | ----- |
PEREZ MARIVI | ----- |
Olivia Orozco | ----- |
Concepción Rodríguez-Parada | ----- |
Ferran Izquierdo | ----- |
Rafik BOUAZIZ | ----- |
Elena Sanna Ticca | ----- |
antonella cammisa | ----- |
Rossana Parè | ----- |
Grumo Rosalina | ----- |
Rami Ali | ----- |
Laura Feliu Martinez | ----- |
Rima Mattar | ----- |
Anna Laura Carboni | ----- |
Jose Diez | ----- |
Caterina Tosi | ----- |
David mark Katan | ----- |
Javiera Atenas | ----- |
Annalisa Manca | ----- |
Enrico Dongiovanni | ----- |
Houda Mesbahi | ----- |
Khelil Nawel | ----- |
Maria Grazia Melis | ----- |
Muhammad İbrar | This program is providing great opportunities for students to strengthen their CVs. |
Daniela Civitillo | ----- |
Nejib BOUTHELJA | J' approuves totalement la pétition et j'adhère parfaitement aux objectifs d'autant plus que l'initiative provient d'un partenaire incontournable de collaboration euromed. |
Hosam Safaa | ----- |
Hosam Safaa | ----- |
Alex Aguilar | ----- |
Mustapha Diani | ----- |
Bayan Shobaki | ----- |
Patricia Garcia-Duran | ----- |
Raimon Soler-Becerro | ----- |
tarek habibi | ----- |
Jorge Ramon Centurion | ----- |
NADIA LARRAS | ----- |
Charles Paillusson | ----- |
Ayman Eldeib | ----- |
Abdelkader Bouzidi | ----- |
Tuomo Melasuo | Au domain de "Capacity Building" nous devons renforcer le rôle dirigent de chercheur(e)s du Sud. Nous devons aussi reflechir ce que les établissements et les universités du Nord puissent apprendre de leurs partenaires du Sud. |
Bassam Abu Karaki | ----- |
Annalisa Poggialini | ----- |
Francesco La Rocca | ----- |
Vincenzo Basile | ----- |
Alberto Provenzano | ----- |
Maria Angustias Parejo | ----- |
Antonino Germana’ | ----- |
Andrea Perilli | ----- |
barbara silveri | ----- |
Alberto Forte | ----- |
Nada Rahal | ----- |
Damien Vialle | ----- |
Jean-Marc Bonnisseau | ----- |
Paola Davoli | ----- |
Maria Leria | ----- |
SAMIRA MECHRI | I am a Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Tunis El Manar (Tunisia) and I have been coordinating Erasmus+ students and staff mobility programmes with several European universities since 2015 and we can see how these exchange programmes start to bear fruit in different respects: contributing in the academic and self development of both incoming and outgoing students and staff and bridging the cultural gaps between Tunisia and North Africa and European countries. We are working closely with our Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Norwegian, and Swedish colleagues to build new academic communities that can be culturally different but share so much in terms of human, academic potentials and endeavors. Now we have students and teachers on both sides sharing success stories about their academic journeys in both directions. We should make this programme work and reach as many academics as possible worldwide. |
Abdulbast Kriama | ----- |
Gema Campo | ----- |
Amad Mohammed | ----- |
Lorenzo Pastuglia | ----- |
Lachezar Gudev | ----- |
Giacomo Biscosi | ----- |
Alessia Infantino | ----- |
Dario Lupo | ----- |
Rojan Saleh | ----- |
Zeen Bazaz | ----- |
Riccardo Mussari | I fully support this petition. |
Marco Martori | ----- |
Teresa Martinez | ----- |
Giorgia Vignola | ----- |
Davide Strangis | I fully support this very important petition! |
Ciprian Mihali | ----- |
Giulia Passaniti | ----- |
manuel heitor | ----- |
Alessio Cavicchi | ----- |
Khalid Berrada | 1) We will highly appreciate increasing mobility of students and university staff in the Euro-Mediterranean region. 2) Encourage the International Credit Mobility dimension of the Erasmus+ Programme, supporting South-South mobility, reinforcing Capacity Building and supporting the integration of refugee students and academics. |
Domenico Laforgia | Very important initiative to exploit positive feeling in the area |
Carsten Walbiner | ----- |
Dario Carpini | ----- |
Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio | ----- |
Jibriel Abusaleem | ----- |
Pablo Morales | ----- |
Manuel Montoya | ----- |
Ramon Alemany | ----- |
Ugo Tramballi | ----- |
Elodie Nunes | ----- |
Helio Rodríguez | ----- |
Veronica Petrilli | ----- |
Merzak GHARNAOUT | ----- |
Jaime Cabanas | ----- |
Franco Navas | ----- |
Pina Civitella | ----- |
Francesca Di Nezza | ----- |
Maxime CACCIUTOLO | ----- |
Peter Griffin | ----- |
Jaume Fortuny | ----- |
Mona Abraheem | ----- |
Costanza Concetti | ----- |
Nouraldin Shtaya | Wishing more support for Palestinian students, its important point for cultures and languages In my opinion more increase feasibility of education exchange will increase benefits for other sectors . Best regards |
Fatma Ghorbel | ----- |
Elena Girasella | ----- |
Mohammed Bouslikhane | ----- |
Hasson Lahssony | ----- |
Ali Alhemaly | ----- |
Basher Alashheb | ----- |
Hanibal Alsqayer | ----- |
Emad Dew | ----- |
Ahmed Soker | ----- |
Almoatas Alzanatey | ----- |
Filippo Sartor | ----- |
Heba Dwikat | I am very supportive of this petition |
Lise Guennal | ----- |
RAFAH HAMAD | I strongly support the petition because I also believe that social sciences, arts, and humanities are important sciences to understand other cultures |
Anna Sibilla | ----- |
Maria de Falco | ----- |
Baker Bozeyeh | ----- |
Dimitris Tsaltas | ----- |
May Wahbeh | I do support this request and I am sure that it would benefit students, staff and the higher education sector. |
Claudia Paolinelli | ----- |
Gazy Salman | ----- |
Lucas Zinner | ----- |
Giovanni Di Guardo | ----- |
Migle Camplone | ----- |
Linda Shaabneh | ----- |
معتز حج علي | ----- |
valeria priori | ----- |
Sanaa Aslan | ----- |
Tom Withnell | For me, Erasmus is key to international mobility. |
Laurence Nadal | I believe in the Mediterranean potential , dialogue and cooperation between countries of both shores of the Mediterranean. To build shared prosperity zone, económically, culturally and socially sp eaking. |
Jenna Couffin | ----- |
Ninfa Leonardi | ----- |
Giorgio Marinoni | ----- |
Luisa Di Fabio | ----- |
FOTINI FRYDA | ----- |
Rami Kukhun | ----- |
Irene Hazou | ----- |
Oussama Chakroun | I believe that bringing the Mediterranean together will bring more to the future |
sarah de berardinis | ----- |
Laura Casale | ----- |
Federica Maria Li Muli | ----- |
Jihan El Garouaz | ----- |
Mohamed Boufarma | ----- |
Mechlioui loubna | ERASMUS in the Mediterranean countries is a very good initiative to develop the area. |
Allison O’Reilly | ----- |
Ihab Rizk Soliman | Una iniziativa per un nuovo mediterraneo a dimensione di giovani e un futuro miglio. |
mohamed boualam | ----- |
Hamza Darkouch | ----- |
Anass Benziane | ----- |
Badr Jaoui | ----- |
Salah Eddine Filali | ----- |
Serafino de Rubeis | ----- |
Hamza ohichi | ----- |
abdelilah guennoun | ----- |
Maha Said | Great job !!! Hoping for more prosperity and advancement. |
اشرف شقدان | ----- |
Ait rais Yasser | I study in the university of Cagliari |
Khouloud Boulsaien | ----- |
Ahmed Tahtah | La mobilità studentesca è molto importante per il dialogo e la pace interculturale. |
Atef Nassar | ----- |
Emad Aboukila | ----- |
Talal Al Shihabi | ----- |
Mohammed Mhaidra | ----- |
Ebrahimi Charaf-Idin | ----- |
Federica Pistono | ----- |
Zakaria ABED | ----- |
Ari Kerkkänen | ----- |
Giorgia Baldi | ----- |
Ruben Safrastyan | ----- |
bourouba hamid | I hope that this initiative will be heard . |
Alessandra Scagliarini | ----- |
Antonio Bontempi | ----- |
Kostas BURASELIS | ----- |
Fabio Monteverde | ----- |
Athina Dimopoulou | ----- |
Gaetano santi cutrona | ----- |
ANdrea Miconi | ----- |
Suada Sela | ----- |
David Bruchon | ----- |
Jorge Villanueva Farpon | ----- |
Vania Palmieri | ----- |
Léda Mansour | ----- |
Etienne Prache | ----- |
Ada Maria Florena | ----- |
Virginia Cassola | ----- |
Joel Lascaux | ----- |
Katrin Gebhard | ----- |
Hamid Belhamra | ----- |
Nicolas Patrici | ----- |
Nicolas PATRICI | ----- |
Andreas Helmis | ----- |
Myassa Zeggagh | ----- |
Pauline Goubert | ----- |
Corrado Venti | ----- |
Nunzio Scala | ----- |
Raffaella Caruini | ----- |
Naila Sabra | ----- |
Anna Zambrano | ----- |
Ernesto Campiti | ----- |
Maria Teresa Nicodemo | ----- |
Laura Galli | ----- |
Fiorella Carollo | ----- |
Diva Ricevuto | ----- |
Nicoletta Brancaleoni | ----- |
Agnese Naldoni | ----- |
Domenico Rizzuli | ----- |
Giovanni Cespa | ----- |
Adele Cantoni | ----- |
Valentina Tozzi | ----- |
Carmela Pirri | ----- |
Françoise Marie Babinet | ----- |
Davide Milana | ----- |
Norma Andriani | ----- |
Anna Romeo | ----- |
Maurizio Reggio | ----- |
Andrea De Martino | ----- |
Franca D’Agostino | ----- |
Gaetana Trupiano | ----- |
Paolo Greco | ----- |
Antonella Bondì | ----- |
Anna Campagnano | ----- |
Elena Castellano | ----- |
Stefano Bonizzato | ----- |
Simone Cuozzo | ----- |
Ugo Ferruta | ----- |
Paola Pittei | ----- |
Claudia De Martino | ----- |
Sogol Mirtorabi | ----- |
Aras Pourbijan | ----- |
Rosanna Malcangi | ----- |
Valentina De Giorgi | ----- |
Marcello De Giorgi | ----- |
Augustin Jomier | ----- |
Fabio Nascimbeni | ----- |
Charlotte De Bussy | ----- |
Ermete Mariani | ----- |
Nada Chemeissani | ----- |
Khaoula Dhakouani | ----- |
Alessia Cattaneo della volta | ----- |
Luigi D’Ettorre | ----- |
Annalisa Geraci | ----- |
Romain DEVAUX | ----- |
Francesca Helm | ----- |
Antonio Magliulo | ----- |
Mara Scampoli | ----- |
Mattea Capelli | ----- |
Danilo Breschi | ----- |
Christine Fernandez-maloigne | ----- |
Antonella Ercolani antonell | ----- |
Eric Vallet | ----- |
zouhour messili | ----- |
hmaid Ben aziza | ----- |
Gian Battista Parigi | ----- |
Barbara Sorgoni | ----- |
Pieter Boele van Hensbroek | ----- |
Roberto RIVAS | ----- |
Giulio Rubino | ----- |
Claudia Cocozza | As a former Erasmus Student, I think opening the proget to even more Countries can only bring positive consequences, and can also help built a future where frontiers are no more. We all need to come together, now more than ever. |
Anna Pirri valentini | ----- |
Claudia Negrini | ----- |
Marianna Barberio | ----- |
John Tolan | ----- |
Camilla Rubino | ----- |
zahra royer | ----- |
Lorenzo Bagnoli | ----- |
Giulia Talamelli | ----- |
Elio Giroletti | ----- |
Toa Giroletti | ----- |
Chiara Pesci | I'm an erasmus student in Croatia at the moment and I discovered that all those students from east Europe can travel more than us because they have more money from the scholarship and they have also another mobility program. We have to increase also the Mediterranean area! |
Alessia Giroletti | ----- |
Patrick Materatski | I agree. |
Sérgio Godinho | ----- |
Cati Dinis | ----- |
Carolina Velloso | ----- |
Carlos Godinho | ----- |
Ana Margarida Ferro | ----- |
Ana Fonseca | ----- |
Vasco Cruz | ----- |
Ana Geraldo | ----- |
José Martins | ----- |
Birgit Arnholdt-Schmitt | ----- |
Knickel Karlheinz | To increase the mobility of students and teachers in the Euro-Mediterranean region by strengthening relevant support schemes, supporting South-South mobility, strengthening capacity building and supporting the integration of refugee students and academics are all very important goals. European Commission level action is needed and all public support will be an excellent investment! |
Miguel Angelo Pinheiro de Carvalho | ----- |
Ana Rita Martins | ----- |
Claudia Deidda | ----- |
Maria Ilhéu | ----- |
Sónia Bombico | ----- |
António Mira | ----- |
Maria Fernandes | Exchanges between Mediterranean countries from Europe with Northern African countries is greta for enhance bigher and better growth. |
Brahim chebbi | ----- |
José Tavim | ----- |
Cláudia Pereira | ----- |
Ana Carvalho | ----- |
Filomena Gonçalves | ----- |
carlotta monini | ----- |
Angela Balca | ----- |
Fernanda Olival | ----- |
Teresa Nogueiro | ----- |
Carlos Alexandre | ----- |
Anabela Belo | ----- |
Raquel Garcia | ----- |
Raquel Oliveira | Esperamos que seja favorável! |
Sara Albino | ----- |
Francisco Rodrigues | ----- |
Greta Spineti | I strongly believe in cooperation and exchange programmes, they are probably one of the best way to improve students' skill and open their minds to different cultures, making them more tolerant and better citizens. |
ana luísa cardoso dias janeira | ----- |
Jose Muñiz-Rojas | ----- |
Paulo Batista | ----- |
Boudewijn De Graeve | ----- |
Pier Paolo Viazzo | ----- |
Claudia germanà | ----- |
Alberto Guerreiro | ----- |
Mathias Eistrup | ----- |
Jose Nunes | ----- |
catherine henke | ----- |
Melissa Bruscoli | ----- |
Adriana Di Stefano | ----- |
Marina Anastacio | ----- |
Anna Fusacchia | ----- |
Mohamed Sami KECHAOU | ----- |
Maria Alexandra Gonçalves | ----- |
Nader Ketata | ----- |
Rosario Sinatra | ----- |
Laurinda Abreu | ----- |
ALI BAHLOUL | Je soutenir la Pétition car ce projet doit renforcer la mobilité entre l'Europe et le sud de la Méditerranée et soutenir aussi l'intégration des étudiants et des universitaires réfugiés pour contribuer à la création d'une Génération Erasmus Méditerranéenne. |
Jouhaina Gherib | ----- |
Nicolas Guinard | ----- |
Maria Zozaya | I have seen the good results with siryan refugees (that live in Évora), allowing them to integrate into the University, so in the same line I consider essential this role that UNIMED is playing and could promote in the future |
Ricardo Serralheiro | ----- |
Sergi Gil | ----- |
Maria Lucia Mancino | ----- |
elena mondino | ----- |
Rui Lourenço | ----- |
Renata Pepicelli | ----- |
Maryam Ben Salem | ----- |
Ridha Bensaleh | ----- |
Franco Barbanera | ----- |
Hassen BOUBAKRI | ----- |
TRIEK WAFA | ----- |
Iain Michael Chambers | ----- |
Massimiliano Di tota | ----- |
Rostane Hamdi | ----- |
Ilaria POGGIOLINI | with my full endorsement for UNIMED's continuous efforts in extending EU mobility strategies to Southern Mediterranean countries and Erasmus' global dimension |
Lucia Arcifa | ----- |
Mustafa Cenap Aydin | ----- |
Isabella Camera D’Afflitto | ----- |
Stefano Lentini | ----- |
Nada Kach | En tant qu' assistance chargée de l'évaluation des diplômes dans le département reconnaissance des diplômes- Centre ENIC-NARIC France, je soutiens le programme Erasmus . |
Maritxu Skawinski | ----- |
Alberto Siani | ----- |
Stefania Panebianco | ----- |
Francesco Spinillo | ----- |
Giuseppe Di Fazio | ----- |
Domenico Cantone | ----- |
Biagio Ricceri | ----- |
Giulia Briccardi | A |
Maria Grazia Cupido | ----- |
Giovanni Gallo | ----- |
Mario Di Raimondo | ----- |
Nuno Guiomar | ----- |
Tawfik Hassan | ----- |
Erminia Spagnolo | ----- |
Francesca Zampagni | ----- |
Dario Catalano | ----- |
Simone Faro | ----- |
Maria Alessandra Ragusa | ----- |
Barbara Spadaro | ----- |
Daniela Saitta | ----- |
Salvatore Leonardi | ----- |
Vincenzo Maimone | ----- |
Pinella Borgia | ----- |
Giulio Burgio | ----- |
rita cirmi | ----- |
peter zin | keep up the good work |
Catarina Lavrador | ----- |
Annalisa Frisina | ----- |
Clara della Valle | ----- |
Carla Bassino | ----- |
Giada Martini | ----- |
Marta Gonçalves | ----- |
Chahira Boumaya | ----- |
Besma Fertani | ----- |
Anissa Manai-Zayar | ----- |
Mohamed Mahjoub | ----- |
Abdelaziz Labib | ----- |
Houcine BEN SLIMANE | ----- |
Mohamed Ali Kebsi | ----- |
Christiana Megna | ----- |
Andreina vetrallini | ----- |
Safa Chebil | ----- |
wafa ghorbel | ----- |
Mohamed Chagraoui | ----- |
Badreddine Ben Henda | ----- |
Sabah Zoghlami | ----- |
Mustapha Trabelsi | ----- |
Imen Gharbi | ----- |
Kamel Hamdi | ----- |
Chaabane Harbaoui | ----- |
Gleya Ksira | ----- |
Sami Bouallègue | ----- |
Marceline Lecomte | ----- |
Rim Triki | ----- |
Saida Baccouche | ----- |
Salah Oueslati | ----- |
Antonino Jorge | ----- |
Abdelhamid FENINA | ----- |
Habib Kazdaghli | ----- |
Salah BENABDALLAH | I fully support the petition to have ERASMUS for Medeiterranean countries. |
Adnane HAYDER | ----- |
Catherine Gravet | ----- |
Amina Ben Damir | ----- |
Faouzia Dhifallah | ----- |
Rabâa Ben Achour | ----- |
Lotfi Aïssa | ----- |
Khemais Arfaoui | ----- |
Samia KASSAB-CHARFI | ----- |
mounira ben mustapha | ----- |
Amor BELHEDI | ----- |
Hanem Makni | ----- |
Zeineb ben Said | ----- |
Marco D’Anna | ----- |
SALAH DEGANI | ----- |
Caetana Serôdio | ----- |
Mohamed Ben sassi | ----- |
Luís Pais | ----- |
Naima Riahi | Je soutiens toute possibilite d'encourager la recherche scientifique pour les étudiants ou pour les enseignants chercheurs |
Salih HACINI | ----- |
Mounir Kchaou | ----- |
Maria Cristina Palma | ----- |
Maria Carvalho | ----- |
yosr blaiech | ----- |
Ben Temessek Mustapha | J'y adhère |
Nahla BEN YOUSSEF | ----- |
Ghada Nechi | ----- |
Taoufik Ayadi | ----- |
Teja Bouhajja | ----- |
hamady gharby | ----- |
Giovanni Di Donato | ----- |
Concetta Albano | ----- |
Rosalia Tortorelli | ----- |
Tonito Solinas | ----- |
José Pinela | ----- |
Francesco Marcelloni | ----- |
João Azevedo | ----- |
Amílcar L. António | If we really want to contribute to solve some political and economic problems in the mediterranean region, this is a fundamental tool. Hope it starts ASAP. |
Pedro Brântuas | ----- |
Mohamed-Salah Omri | ----- |
Maurizio Vernassa | ----- |
Francesco Tarantini | ----- |
Lillian Barros | ----- |
Maria Inês Dias | ----- |
Vasco Cadavez | ----- |
Riccardo Moncullo | ----- |
Mounir Ghali | ----- |
Antonella Cuomo | ----- |
Manoubi Ghabbech | ----- |
Michele Ceccotti | ----- |
Paola Pittia | Full support to this petition |
Paulo Quaresma | ----- |
Antónia Macedo | ----- |
Custódio Lobo Roriz | ----- |
Francesco Conti | ----- |
Vanessa Vieira | ----- |
João Sousa | ----- |
Valentina Sammartino | ----- |
Souad Chaherli Harrar | Je soutiens la pétition dont le contenu dénote d une grande sagesse et d un esprit progressiste |
Fathi TRIKI | Je voudrais soutenir cette pétition |
halima ouanada | ----- |
Oujamaa Essaid | ----- |
Flora Leroy-Djouadi | ----- |
Maria Grazia Idini | ----- |
hafedh sfaxi | Je soutiens entièrement cette pétition. |
Elsa Barbosa | ----- |
Maria de Fátima Lopes-da-Silva | ----- |
Giovanni Cristoforo Bomboi | ----- |
João Fernandes | ----- |
Maria Caterina Monte | ----- |
Yasser Ben nasr | ----- |
samir zoghbi | ----- |
Andrea Giacobbe | ----- |
Claudio Pagnani | ----- |
Zein Nahas | ----- |
Giovanni Celano | ----- |
Gianluca Cicala | ----- |
Cettina Santagati | ----- |
Marco Bonino | ----- |
Josiana Vaz | ----- |
Filippo Giovanni Dossi | ----- |
Eva Angeli | ----- |
Ahmed Hamed | ----- |
Raja chennoufi -Ghalleb | Je suis pour la concrétisation du projet ERASMUS méditerranée et pour les échanges scientifiques et humains |
Giuseppe Scollo | ----- |
Sarah Jammal | ----- |
Abdelmajid Ataouani | ----- |
Mohamed Tahar | ----- |
Lilia Khelifi | ----- |
Bechir Mechergui | ----- |
Soltane Trabelsi | ----- |
Ridha Ghoul | ----- |
Lotfi Ben Miled | ----- |
Mourad Yakoubi | ----- |
Hela Turki | ----- |
Fethi Nagga | ----- |
Andrew Todd | ----- |
Khaled Kchir | ----- |
Ylenia Romanazzi | ----- |
Michela C. Pellicani | ----- |
M’jid El Guerrab | |
JEMLI Mohamed Habib | the mobility of scientists and students between the EU and the South is beneficial for the transfer of technology and civilization and for peace in the world. |
Giorgia Musca | ----- |
Denise Imbriani | ----- |
Ilaria Miglietta | ----- |
Matteo Buttazzo | ----- |
maryam chelkha | je suis beniciaire du erasmus et j'encourage fortement d'extendent le programme. |
Eraldo Sanna Passino | ----- |
Marco Apollonio | ----- |
Renata Fadda | ----- |
Massimo Scandura | ----- |
Faysal Lemjidi | ----- |
Paolo Merella | I think it's important |
Domenico Meloni | ----- |
Giovanni Garippa | ----- |
Florin Bénédicte | ----- |
Maria Luisa Dettori | ----- |
Romeo Carabelli | I got the chance of the 1st year of erasmus ... it would be great to build a new mediterranean generation |
Maurizio Memoli | ----- |
Francesco Correale | ----- |
anna madoeuf | ----- |
SIGNOLES Pierre | ----- |
Giovanni Giuseppe Leoni | ----- |
adrian foucher | Education and international human exchange are factor of peace, development and growth. So Erasmus is. |
Lamia Taktak | ----- |
Susana Escalante | More than 12 years working in the Mediterranean area as librarian making of libraries a place of cooperation and sharing between cultures, language and religions |
Nora Semmoud | ----- |
EMILIO MARIA DOLORES PEDRERO | I support this petition, adding the possibility to rename as "Erasmus Blue" linked to academy activities in relation with Blue growth |
Roberto Iannuzzi | ----- |
Manfra Luigi | ----- |
Léonore Moncond’huy | ----- |
Simona Presenti | I think this initiative can address the need of a more effective coexistence and cooperation framework to be created by the EU and its Mediterranean neighbours |
giovanna picchi | ----- |
Younes Moussaoui | Je signe parce que la coopération universitaire et la mobilité internationale des étudiants et staffs changent des vies et sont des ingrédients clés pour atteindre nos objectifs communs de la stabilité et de la prospérité dans notre région méditerranéenne. |
Gülçin Erdi | ----- |
Chafik KHERBACHE | ----- |
Elton Pistolia | ----- |
Elena Di Meo | ----- |
Pinarosa Avato | ----- |
Fabio Fiorentino | ----- |
Eugenia Messina | ----- |
Federica Malerba | ----- |
Giusy Musaro’ | ----- |
Ersilia Ienco | Mi sembra giusto sottoscrivere questa petizione |
Paweł Hubert Mazur | ----- |
Francesca Traetta | ----- |
Marialuisa Sveva Marozzi | ----- |
Gianpiero salvemini | ----- |
Francesco Dell’Orco | ----- |
Fabiola Mancazzo | ----- |
Federica Tomassoni | ----- |
Asma Chbani | ----- |
Antonio Felice Uricchio | ----- |
Roberta Pace | ----- |
Annalisa Pace | ----- |
Alessandro Rubino | ----- |
Gabriele Pompizi | ----- |
Antonio Riontino | ----- |
Claudia Acquafresca | ----- |
Visar Demiri | ----- |
Gioacchino Angarano | Istruzione e scambio di esperienza sono l'unico strumento per superare i difficili momenti che affrontiamo nella convivenza di culture e tradizioni diverse |
Gianfranco D’Alonzo | ----- |
Dilia Chiaffitella | ----- |
Annali8a Loconsole | ----- |
Michele Elia | ----- |
Antonella Campobasso Losacco | I strongly believe in this petition. |
Noureddin Driouech | Peace can be only built through knowledge and exchange. This will can be possible by the support of EU Southern Mediterranean Countries regional mobility |
Pablo Morales | ----- |
Chaabane abbes | ----- |
BELLEL Nadir | Reinforce the “Capacity Building” action to work together, develop, share and transfer best practices and innovative actions in the fields of recherche, training and education for aour youth. |
Martin Regelsberger | ----- |
Andrea Perrone | ----- |
Anna Maria Medici | ----- |
Valentina Manzato | ----- |
Rim Filali Meknassi | ----- |
Mounira Mbarki | ----- |
Federica Calabrese | ----- |
Chiara pietrantuono | ----- |
Natalia Brutti | ----- |
Giuseppe Rubino | ----- |
Tina Scarfino | ----- |
Mariangela Mutti | ----- |
Giovanna Santi | ----- |
Andrea D’Andria | ----- |
Clara Falzi | ----- |
Emilia Dicenso | ----- |
Mariapia Cappabianca | ----- |
Beatrice Bove | ----- |
Pia Petrarulo | ----- |
Claudia Lama | ----- |
Gianleonardo Allasia | ----- |
Claudia Piperno | ----- |
Giovanni Piccizilli | ----- |
Floriana Lombardi | ----- |
Giorgio Gomel | ----- |
Roberta Ferrara | ----- |
Gabriele Panizzi | ----- |
Maurizio Reggio | ----- |
Vittoria Vigo | ----- |
Serafina Barbati | ----- |
Patrizia Cali | ----- |
Rosamaria Santucci | ----- |
Giuseppe Damascelli | ----- |
Angela Degregorio | ----- |
Walter Calvaresi | ----- |
Chadi HATOUM | Je suis pour un Erasmus méditerranéenne. J'encourage vivement cette initiative. |
شادي حاطوم | ----- |
Nicola Daniele Coniglio | creare ponti per conoscerci, cooperare e crescere insieme |
Rezart Hoxhaj | ----- |
michele coniglio | ----- |
Vito Amendolagine | ----- |
David Parrilla Bejerano | ----- |
Sara Pérez Valmaseda | ----- |
Maurizio Cianchella | ----- |
Carmine Vasapollo | Sosterrò qualsiasi iniziativa per questa splendida esperienza |
Alfredoq Fruguglietti | ----- |
Lucrezia Mazzuoli | ----- |
Ilham Atrass | As an ex Erasmus student I support the strengtheness of the International Credit Mobility dimension of the Erasmus+ Programme, the establishment of a South-South Mobility and also the integration of refugee students and academics in the Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education systems. Thank you. |
Yassine Atrass | ----- |
Mattia Baldini | ----- |
Stefania Belnudo | ----- |
Francesco Trombetta | ----- |
Azeddine Atrass | ----- |
Adriana Dominguez | ----- |
Kevin Giraud | ----- |
jacopo garbarino | ----- |
Josep Mas Pla | ----- |
talel stambouli | ----- |
Matteo Funaro | ----- |
halima Mahjoubi | Je soutiens la pétition |
Samir Jomaa | ----- |
Maria Grazia Grieco | ----- |
Claudia Padovani | ----- |
Stefano D’Amelio | ----- |
João Santana Simas | ----- |
Michela Zanarella | ----- |
Alessandro Soldà | ----- |
Davide Monaco | ----- |
Chiara Sulis | ----- |
Laura Badolato | ----- |
Salim Bounou | ----- |
Cristina Giacco | ----- |
Giammarco Valenti | ----- |
Alessia Moneta | ----- |
Stefano Filippini | ----- |
Roberto Moneta | ----- |
Enrico Lenotti | ----- |
Lamia Fadili | ----- |
Francesca Berguecio | ----- |
Gerard Arbat | ----- |
Giovanni Pozzi | ----- |
Habib Saidi | ----- |
alessandra desiderato | ----- |
Mourad KORICHI | ---------- |
Nicole Demarchi | ----- |
Rachid Cherif | ----- |
Beatriz González del Valle | ----- |
Kamal REKLAOUI | ----- |
Bilal EL MORABET | I want to thank all the people who are responsible for this program . and i wish it will be in the best intrest of all the Students around the world |
Khalid Jebari | sans |
Abdellah AZMANI | ----- |
Amin LAGLAOUI | ----- |
Abdellah ACHAHBAR | ----- |
meriem el youssoufi | ----- |
Imane BOUROUHOU | Je soutiens la Pétition pour les nouvelles générations |
Youssef Ritouni | ----- |
Ayoub Tarhouchi | i hope we could do it together |
Hammam Kalouch | ----- |
Zoubir EL FELSOUFI | ----- |
عادل صوفي | ----- |
عزالدين حمان اليحمدي | ----- |
abdelkrim kardous | évolution des carrières de nos étudiants au sein des universités européennes,approfondir leurs connaissances et affiner leurs compétences. |
Abdelmonim Zbakh | ----- |
Rym Ben Tanfous | En tant que doctorante en Langue et Littératures françaises, je constate le peu de possibilités offertes aux jeunes chercheurs issus des pays du sud. Or, la rive sud est riche de ses jeunes polyglottes, ouverts d'esprit et emplis du désir d'innover. Ce sont des centaines de potentiels portes-voix attendent, avec espoir, l'opportunité de promouvoir la culture méditerranéenne et de contrer cette culture des monologies qui domine le devant de la scène. |
Mohammed Mansouri Mjahed | Je suis un étudiant de première année master Génie Civil |
Noureddine MENDIL | Trés bonne initiative |
Alessandra Rizzo | ----- |
Adil BOUKTAIB | #Erasmus #MediterraneanGeneration |
Insaf Allou | ----- |
Ismail CHELLIQ | je soutiens hautement cette pétition vu sont importance scientifique et culturelle et d'approfondir les connaissances des étudiants et leurs compréhension des autres cultures. |
anas zakik | ----- |
yassine alaoui | ----- |
Haitam Saied | ----- |
Kaoutar Laamiri Lkhdar | ----- |
Rania Abdellaoui | ----- |
Hicham GIBET TANI | ----- |
Lamiae Ouadan | ----- |
Effie Charalampaki | ----- |
ilias chargui | ----- |
ikram belaaziz | ----- |
laila DAHAR | ----- |
wiam Jaddour | ----- |
Hanae Ziani | ----- |
aicha boukhdaoui | ----- |
Zainab Haddad | اريد العمل |
Wael YOUSFI | ----- |
Léo VINCENT | ----- |
Francesco Tritto | ----- |
Abdelilah TAZI | ----- |
Youssef Chemout | J'aime ça |
lahcen BOUDOKOU | le developement la preformance |
imed home | ----- |
sara eisa | ----- |
Stefania D’Alonzo | ----- |
Theodore Khoury | I fully support this exchange. All involved can learn so much from each other. |
Hamza Hamidoun | ----- |
Yahia KERBOUCHE | La mobilité estudiantine est un facteur important dans les plans de développement durable |
yassine ali ou ali | اريد ان اتعلم الفرنسية |
Mohammed Said RADJEF | ----- |
saifeddine bounakhla | nous voulons d'augmenter le pourcentage des bourses d'erasmus dans les pays maghrebins |
Hatem Saidi | Je veux que tu m'aides à obtenir une bourse pour compléter ma formation à l'étranger et merci pour tout effort |
med hedi rafrafi | bonn application |
hasnââ chaabi | C'est une expérience très intéressante à tous les niveaux, j'ai eu la chance d'en profiter au sein de l'université de Cádiz. J'ai pu rencontrer une équipe de professionnels et d'experts du domaine. Merci ! |
Asma Arab | ----- |
Anas TALLOU | environmental sciences |
Maryem EL BORCH | Bonjour, Je suis titulaire d'un diplôme européen des études supérieures bac+3 en management et gestion des PME ( de la fédération européenne). Je voulais savoir si j'ai de la chance d'etre condidate du programme erasmus pour contunier mes études en Master finance en Europe. Merci |
يحي فتحي | أحب السفر و السياحة و التعرف |
Ahmed Mahdi | ----- |
معاوية أحمد حمزة الحضيري الحضيري | ----- |
Pietro Guida | ----- |
Abdelatif Boulares | ----- |
Ghita Benyakhlef | ----- |
Samia Talatizi | ----- |
Ahmed Moussa | ----- |
Abbas Soufi | Salut |
Artur Cristóvão | ----- |
Ibrahim Labiad | ----- |
Sarah Ghoniem | ----- |
Michela Parodi | ----- |
Rachida BELLIARD | Franco Rizzi, fondateur de l’UNIMED, avait tout à fait raison d'affirmer : «La Méditerranée est notre destin»... |
Andrea Gioseffi | ----- |
NourEldin faculty of fine arts ,Alexandria uni | ----- |
Jihad KARIMI | ----- |
Tiziana Carlini | ----- |
Amira Barkouti | ----- |
Mouna Mbarek | ----- |
Mouna Mbarek | ----- |
Badreddine Senouci | ----- |
Aya Khalid | ----- |
Ahmed Sellami | ----- |
Samia Men | Oui a l'extention aux pays méditerranéens |
Mohamed Bachir El Ghrib | ----- |
Mario Iannotti | ----- |
Donatella Gobbi | ----- |
Hank Abderrahim | I support any kind of coperation that leads to the best |
NADA EL KRYECH | ----- |
عبدالجليل موسى | ----- |
sara ouragui | ----- |
francesco fent | ----- |
Gioia Luca | ----- |
Inas Taha Ibrahim Ahmed Asker | ----- |
meddah atallah | Nous vous remercions de votre intérêt |
Mehdi El Younsi | ----- |
Meriem Amellal | ----- |
Fayçal Lahrouchi | ----- |
THA’ER ATAWNA | Looking for better educational systems |
Aimededdine Laghribi | ----- |
Abderahmane Mouas | J'ai lu la pétition et je voulais vraiment savoir plus sur UNIMED |
Abis Giuseppe Antonino | ----- |
Oumaima Outani | ----- |
Sarra Yahyaoui | ----- |
João Pinto | ----- |
Nada Mohamed abdelaziz ahmed | ----- |
Abd elmoumene Laraba | ----- |
Mohammed Amir | ----- |
Mahfoudh Bessidhoum | ----- |
loubna fahmi | ----- |
Idris Nomoko | C'est très bien |
Mehdi Ayari | ----- |
Jamel Fraj | ∆m=mc² |
Saly Wazze | ----- |
Fatima Zahra Charrouk | ----- |
Chiara Colella | ----- |
Chafei Malek | ----- |
Magali Guiral | ----- |
Marie Wittamer | ----- |
عاشور الغرياني | ----- |
Mohamed Mohammadi | Je suis très intéressant de cette programme qui aussi très importants pour moi pour devolpe ma personnalité et ma savoir et aussi c'est très important pour la région medetirranean qui j'ai vivre |
Laila El Moussaoui | ----- |
omar sbiyaa | ----- |
Feriel Chahnez Osmane | ----- |
Mohamed Khalil Zouitni | Sounds interesting. |
omar nazih | je veux étudier là-bas que dois-je faire ? |
abd aljulel algandouz | Im students in last year in banghazi university |
nourhane mazouz | ----- |
mustapha El kachtoul | ----- |
Nezha Morsli | Je soutiens fortement votre pétition car ce programme apporterait un développement intellectuelle et notamment culturel ! |
laila elhichou | ----- |
Tarek Djabri | ----- |
Eman Abdulmumiem | J'espère vraiment aller en France ... J'ai eu mon delf b1 Tout public mais je n'ai pas réussi parce que j'ai étudié seul et avec traducteur .. si j'ai la chance d'être dans la communauté je suis sûr Je vais réussir |
nada djebbi | ----- |
abdelhak belabdi | i agree about what are you doing |
Rooa leila Zebeiri | ----- |
INSAF BEN OTHMEN | futur ingénieur |
Kamel Louzi | I'm convinced for this initial |
Sophie Lalanne | ----- |
Oumaima Boulidat | C est signé |
Khaoula Zouaoui | ----- |
Ayoub Chkoundi | J'aimes se domaines |
rayane zellali | ----- |
Nesrine Dardouri | ----- |
Amina Zakar | ----- |
agnes charpentier | ----- |
Bahaeddine anis Yousfi | Je veux avoir plus de detail |
سناء المنصوري | ----- |
Tewfik SADOUNI | Oui pour le développement de programme Erasmus |
Haddaoui Soumia | For a better Mediterranean , je signe . |
Meriem Belkassem | ----- |
Khadija Khafid | ----- |
mohamed taha elfejer | ----- |
Yasmine Souissi | ----- |
Marie-Anne Crochemore | ----- |
Giulia Cremaschini | ----- |
Luca Davelli | ----- |
Pietro Belluso | ----- |
Jean-paul Chagnollaud | ----- |
hamza HAFFOU | ----- |
Khaled Al Sahili | ----- |
Fahoum Shalabi | ----- |
Si Mohamed Sraidi | ----- |
Ali K. Saber Alshabani | ----- |
Mohammed Benyamina | don't give up! sciences for all. |
رشيد الحسني | ادعم برنامج اراسموس لتبادل الوفود والافراد قصد التعلم والبحث |
Med. Abdellouahed El Asri | ----- |
Costanza Hermanin de Reichenfeld | ----- |
Salem Cherif | ----- |
Khaled Al-Sahili | ----- |
Nadji DINGAMBAYE | C'est vraiment encourageant. |
Lidoh Houda | ----- |
Aziz LMAKRI | ----- |
Amine Hadraoui | ----- |
Nadir BELLEL | As part of the "Capacity Building for Higher Education"; it is modernizing training by increasing the transfer of EU experience. These new models of education are able to respond to socio-economic needs and secure communities leading to a peaceful and prosperous future. For the transfer of EU experience and capacity building activities, the Erasmus + program can help higher education institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean region integrate students into these new models of education. For these reasons, I support this new petition in order to achieve together the expected results for the future of the students, academic staff and higher education institutions of the Euro-Mediterranean region. |
Sarra Hannachi | ----- |
Gianfranco D’Alonzo | Per il nord Africa in Europa |
Antonio Tessitore | ----- |
Gaspar Ros | ----- |
Salah Eddine SALHI | ----- |
Lucinda Baldwin | ----- |
نصيرة ربيع | نحن مع رفع العدد المخصص ودعم نشر هذا البرنامج الذي لا يعلم عنه الا القليل و من يعلم به لا تفاصيل |
Zid Oumeyma | ----- |
Anis Ennajah | ----- |
Ali Kefsi | ----- |
Omar Kharoubi | ----- |
Marie-Céline Falisse | ----- |
Meriem Ben Ammar | I strongly support this petition. It's a great opportunity for younger generations to broaden their knowledge, acquire new experiences and experience other cultures. |
Samar Mouchawrab | ----- |
Magda Magi | ----- |
Pol Pallàs | ----- |
Fabio Maria Santucci | Erasmus is probably the most successful EU program. It must be expanded and its funds must be increased. |
Omar CHLYAH | It will be a very good thing |
Marilena Höffmann | ----- |
Romain de Rivaz | ----- |
Marcos Santos | Very relevant and timely initiative |
seffen Faten | ----- |
Noureddine CHAIEB | I lived a beautiful professional experience in the framework of the project RESUME, Many shares, exchanges and openings on the other countries of the Mediterranean. |
Sabrine Bhar | I would like to see this vision become a reality and to see the number of exchanges increase for Northern African countries. As a Tunisian student and researcher, I know how hard it is to do research in Tunisia, so this sort of opportunity will hopefully grant me and other people in a similar situation to join an international cause where I can travel, meet new people, learn about others's cultures, and surely facilitate my research process because I will have a better access to libraries and online platform. |
Laura Burgisano | ----- |
daoud guernazi | ----- |
Valentina Spiga | ----- |
El Hassan BOURARACH | ----- |
Nadia Motii | ----- |
Antonella Atzeni | ----- |
Lina Saadeh | ----- |
Marie Christine Noujaim | ----- |
Assumpta Aneas | ----- |
Artur Sá | ----- |
Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux | ----- |
Enrica Salvatori | ----- |
Betka Hamrova | ----- |
Luís Morais | ----- |
Daniela Magrini | ----- |
ABDERRAZAK KAAYA | j'adhère a cette pétition |
Nathalie Clauter | ----- |
Paul Pace | ----- |
Julian Zarb | I have benefitted from Erasmus exchanges that have been very useful to my academic career and i have also worked with Erasmus students (on projects) since 2009. |
Sabina Achim | ----- |
Alfredo Mazzocchi | Eccellente iniziativa. Rimaniamo a disposizione a Istituto Europeo di Studi e Ricerche per gli Stati Uniti d'Europa Partenariato Euro-Mediterraneo per l'Istruzione, l'Università e la Ricerca nel Piceno, Le Marche Palazzetto Belvedere 63078 Spinetoli – Ascoli Piceno – Regione Marche – Italia – Unione Europea Tel. +39 0736 890298 – Cell. Coordinatore Generale: 333 5668172 Cell. Segreteria: 366 2940064 Email: C.F. 92061180441 |
Alessio Cinti | ----- |
Rossana Sarchielli | ----- |
Francesca Brotto | ----- |
Maria Antonella Pasculli | I totallly agrre |
Suzana Ferreira-Dias | I am associate professor at the University of Lisbon, School of Agriculture (Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia) and I strongly support this initiative. |
Sabrina Geremia | ----- |
Jordi Villà-Freixa | ----- |
Samil Erdogan | ----- |
ramzi hamdi | ----- |
Zied Kbaier | ----- |
wajdi borghel | ----- |
Yahya R Sarraj | ----- |
Laura Baratin | Una collaborazione doverosa e straordinaria |
Samil Erdogan | I fully agree with the Petition and support it. |
Mohamed Djaffer Medjahed | j 'aimerai adhérer pour une génération méditerranéenne |
Ali Hassan Altimimi | “Mediterranean is our destiny” and we, as UNIMED, are convinced that we should live this destiny together, hand in hand, thus creating the vision of a Mediterranean region promoting a new Erasmus Mediterranean Generation for peace and prosperity. |
Cherille Sarrouh | ----- |
abdelfettah ouassem | ----- |
Lahoucine Amzil | Une devise : Nous devons multiplier les expériences humaines pour reconstruire notre avenir ensemble...aussi reprendre à chaque échec. |
Eleonora Nonnis | Ritengo che la mobilità nella regione Euro-Mediterranea sia fondamentale per poter dar luogo ad una nuova generazione Mediterranea Erasmus fondata sulla condivisione di stessi valori e ricca di varietà culturali che sono il presupposto fondamentale e necessario per vivere serenamente in un contesto globalizzato quale è quello attuale. Inoltre, la regione mediterranea deve avere una rilevanza istituzionale e deve essere maggiormente valorizzata data anche l'importanza geo-politica dell'area, a maggior ragione a seguito di eventi quali: guerra al terrore, crisi migratoria; che hanno frenato le relazioni fra i popoli del mediterraneo e, purtroppo, contribuito a creare pregiudizi che sono il male politico peggiore. |
Alessandra Schettino | ----- |
Paolo Gentili | Precious initiative |
Gaetano Armao | ----- |
Paolo Stampatore | ----- |
Anies Ammour | ----- |
Hanene Ben slama | ----- |
Rony Darazi | ----- |
karima SELMAOUI | ----- |
Gianfranco D’Alonzo | Ottima iniziativa che seguo da tempo. Grazie |
Liliana Cerutti | ----- |
sami bhouri khila | ----- |
assia kaced | i greatly agree with an opportunity to everyone |
Nisreen Rezek | ----- |
Ricard Grèbol Jiménez | ----- |
Zinonas Sokratous | ----- |
Roberta Persichino | ----- |
Nesrine chemli | ----- |
Caroline Walz | ----- |
Michele Valentino | ----- |
Lobna Daboussi | Je suis Lobna DABOUSSI , etudiante en Urbanisme à Alghero , je bénéficie de la bourse UNIMED et tout se passe très bien . Merci |
Mohamed ali Hergli | ----- |
dorra besbes | ----- |
Selmi selmi | Domanda di iscrizione alla borsa di studio 2019/2020 |
Rihab Amdouni | Je suis inscrite en deuxième année urbanisme et architecture de paysages a l’università degli studenti ad Alghero departamento di architettura design e urbanistica. |
Hanan Audeh | ----- |
Abeer Sayegh | ----- |
Raeda Mansour | ----- |
Khalil Salama | Good luck |
Natali Salameh | ----- |
meena husainy | ----- |
Fawzi Salameh | Carry on with your appreciate d mission. God bless you |
Irene Hen | ----- |
Iyad Rafidi | ----- |
Yazeed qasas | ----- |
Aude Fanget | ----- |
Roman Batraui | ----- |
Issa Khayyat | ----- |
Diala Nwesser | ----- |
Rania Husseini | ----- |
Richard Kieran | ----- |
Tamara Habash | ----- |
fatina karam | ----- |
Raeda Husein | ----- |
AMIRA AKKARI | ----- |
Rula Zabaneh | ----- |
Mary Shaheen | ----- |
imene diaf | ----- |
Islem Neffati | ----- |
Sonia Gioia | ----- |
Nadeem Khoury | ----- |
Gandhi Saad | ----- |
Ramez Musallam | ----- |
rihab amdouni | ----- |
Oumayma Zerai | ----- |
Najeh Abu Shamsiyeh | ----- |
Claudia Marchetti | ----- |
Aloulou Chafik | we hope To strengthen the International Credit Mobility dimension of the Erasmus+ Programme |
amine mqarta | ----- |
vittoria riccardi | ----- |
Abdessattar BOUGOBBA | - Nombre réduit des étudiants et du personnels administratifs profitant de la mobilité - Nombre limité des activités et des formations dans le domaine de Capacity Building |
Bashar Shobaki | ----- |
Ibrahim ALShaikh | ----- |
Habil Mais | ----- |
Osama Younis | Yes do it now |
Mohammad Ismail | ----- |
Saleh Dweik | ----- |
Ahmad Qaimari | ----- |
Rami Muallem | ----- |
Sandy Jildeh | ----- |
Tareq Abu Ezam | ----- |
John Barghout | ----- |
Ramez Musallam | ----- |
Mais Rafeedie | ----- |
Mad7at Tareq | ----- |
Mahmoud Lafi | I am glad to see that people are actually spreading awareness and that this is going to change things for the better, I hope this gets accepted by the European Commission you all have my prayers and Palestine’s prayers. |
Mohammed Alshaikh | ----- |
Narod Seroujian | ----- |
Qais Abughulmi | ----- |
Dana Bayya | ----- |
Clara Muallem | ----- |
Muna Muallem | ----- |
BEN TAHER MOHAMED AMINE | All for increasing the number of scholarships from the current number of about 8.000 grants per year to 30.000 per year; |
Abderrahim El mezdeghi | Interessant |
sofia volpi | ----- |
Luisa Zappalà | ----- |
Ali Mohammed Sallah | ----- |
sidiTamam ben Fahmy | ----- |
تمام قديح | ----- |
Jihane Sfeir | ----- |
Mustapha Diani | ----- |
Elkhatib Oussama | ----- |
Tarik Zirari | ----- |
Hawkar Arab | ----- |
Bel Fekih Safa | ----- |
Ludovica De Benedetti | ----- |
tahar bouhafa | ----- |
Sonia Boldrini | ----- |
Alice Buonaguidi | ----- |
Claudia Rod Micolau | ----- |
Muhammed Yilmazcoban | I hope what you are trying to do will work out soon. I will be glad to support your idea! |
Roberta Gravagno | ----- |
Francesca Chieti | ----- |
Giovanni Telesca | ----- |
Daniel Prroni | ----- |
Zeynep Salış | ----- |
Alptuğ Namver | ----- |
Lemonia Moraiti | ----- |
Fella Benabed | ----- |
Dimitra Gkeleri | ----- |
Ilias Giannopoulos | ----- |
Elpida Rigoutsou | ----- |
Angelina Avrithi | ----- |
Fotis Karagkounis | ----- |
Vasiliki Karoumpali | ----- |
Aris Logothetis | ----- |
Theodoros Markou | ----- |
Melitini Magoulianou | ----- |
Nikos Ntanos | ----- |
Chrysanthi Tsalafouta | ----- |
Marilena Adamidou | ----- |
Celal AYDIN | ----- |
Daniel Moreno Yusta | ----- |
Emmanuel Constantinou | ----- |
Nicolas Ioannou | ----- |
josephina pariza | ----- |
Erasmia Shimitra | ----- |
Stavros Charilaou | ----- |
Samuel Noel YOUMBI NGAMENI | Bonne réflexion et bonne initiative internationale pour une cohésion constructive, |
Islam Azzi | As a student and as the president of the Algiers scientific club, im in ! |
Lakhdar Moundji | Étudiant en master 2 Droit international et relation politique (major de promotion ) |
felipef fernández | ----- |
Eva Camacho Cuena | ----- |
masmoudi ahmed | ----- |
Bannour Ahmed | ----- |
nouhaila el hajri | ----- |
Moustapha Itani | ----- |
latifa daadaoui | ----- |
Marwan Tarazi | ----- |
Mohammed Abdessamed Abdelbassit LAIMECHE | ----- |
wafaa hussien | I am agree |
najla guesmi | Je confirme |
Sadeq Aqrur | soustraire l'humain du pouvoir de l'argent et de tous les fétichismes individuellisants pour le réhumaniser. |
BENHAMOU Abdellah | ----- |
DJERMOUN Mohammed tahar | ----- |
Aissam AOUICHI | Je sollicite le renfort de l’aspect de la mobilité internationale de crédits du programme Erasmus+ (période de programmation 2021-2027) et la mobilité Sud-Sud et le soutien de l’intégration des étudiants et des universitaires réfugiés. |
محمود الشيخلي | ----- |
zahia jouirou | ----- |
Paola Candita | ----- |
Chiara Papetti | ----- |
cate tono | Exchange is the strength of the human being |
Ismail Bouchara | Would be a great initiative to start understanding each other. And would pave the way for a reconciliation and unity between both shores of the Mediterranean. |
Ahmad Abu-el-Haija | ----- |
Zainab Mchich | ----- |
Mohammed Munawwar Hasan Hamoud | I agree to the union’s petition for the Erasmus generation and the union’s charter. I am convinced of the activities that the program offers towards the internationalization of education. We hope to allow participation from outside the Euro-Mediterranean Union and involve interested people from the countries of the Middle East to create a new global educational culture that supports various educational segments without the hindrance of age or language, as this helps to Establishing the principle of coexistence between cultures and establishing it on a solid foundation |
Safia TALEB | ----- |
DAOUDI ZERROUKI Nacira | ----- |
Abde nour Lallam | ----- |
semcheddine zouaghi | oui totale adhésion |
Ramzi Djelloul | ----- |
Houria Aksas | ----- |
Fouzia Baak | ----- |
حمزة معمري | أود أن أكون عضو نشط في هذه المجموعة التي تسعى للرقي بالجامعات الوطنية وترقيتها |
Farouk Yala | ----- |
غزالي عادل | ----- |
nesrine dalila touaa | ----- |
Salim Mesbahi | Merci |
Wafa Bougoffa | ----- |
Hanene HAMOUS | ----- |
BERCHI Abderrahmane | la massification importante des effectifs |
Khedidja Nechar | ----- |
بودفلة فتحي | التواصل المعرفي والتبادل الأكاديمي... أفضل وسيلة لفتح آفاق جيددة للبحث العلمي وتنمية المعرفة الإنسانية |
Boumaza Fatiha | ----- |
berchi abderrahmane | ----- |
ala eddine kellil | je suis d'accord |
Leila Kherarfa | En ma qualité de membre du personnel de la recherche scientifique dans une université qui se trouve au sud du bassin méditerranéen ( UDL Djillali Liabes - Sidi Bel Abbes - Algérie ) je soutiens cette pétition pour obtenir, ensemble, résultats au bénéfice des étudiants, du personnel et des établissements d’enseignement supérieur de l’espace euro-méditerranéen. |
mebarek bahri | j'approuve le contenu de la pétition |
Giovanni Di Salvo | Condivido gli obiettivi perseguiti. Altresì.ritengo che la Commissione Europea debba favorire la libera circolazione delle professioni forensi e contribuire alla crescita esperienziale e professionale degli avvocati.. Favorendo le pratiche innanzi i Tribunali degli Stati membri e gli uffici giudiziari della UE. |
Amine Ben abid | Je soutiens ce programme, on doit toujours supporter tout tentative d'amélioration. |
Giulia Falchi | ----- |
Saleh Benkhayyakl | Teaching staff member |
Mohamed el habib Diallo | ----- |
Institutional signatures list
Institution | Comment |
UNIMED | ----- |
Alaqsa University – geostationary data center for education, research and development | ----- |
Mohamed Lamine Debaghine Sétif 2 | ----- |
Alessandro Bianchi | I think it is an initiative of great interest to which the Telematic University Pegasus gives its full support |
University of Petra | ----- |
Université Libanaise | Nous, à l'Université Libanaise, soutenons très fortement les actions de la précédente petition. |
Université des Frères Mentouri Constantine | ----- |
Università degli Studi di Cagliari | ----- |
CESIE | ----- |
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik | ----- |
Open Education Working Group, Open Knowledge International | ----- |
Al-Hawash Private University | We would like to sign the petition to promote a new Erasmus Mediterranean Generation for peace and prosperity and to achieve together new results for the benefit of the future of the students, the university staff and the Higher Education Institutions of the Euro-Mediterranean area. |
Al Quds open university | ----- |
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS | University of Cyprus Institutional endorsement |
European Digital Learning Network | 47% of Europeans are not properly digitally skilled, yet in the near future 90% of jobs will require some level of digital skills. Europe needs better digitally educated people at all levels. We need more digitalization in schools, in the SMEs, in our universities, in our society as a whole. We need to work toward digitalization as a means for social inclusion, for marginalized people - or at risk of being marginalized - and to avoid a further reasons of social exclusion: the lack of digital skills. To fulfil these objectives, we need more digital educated people, teachers, entrepreneurs, educators, children, youth, seniors and so on. We are facing an enormous challenge and an exceptional way to meet the challenge is to allow for more mobility in Southern Mediterranean Countries in establishing a regional mobility scheme (South-South Mobility). So, have no better claim than ask for more resources for the Erasmus+ Programme 2020-2027 in particular by fully endorsing the reasons of this petition. |
University of Zawia | ----- |
Palestine Polytechnic University | ----- |
Arab American University | We are with increasing the number of scholarships from the current number of about 8.000 grants per year (students and staff from South to North and vice-versa) to 30.000 per year; |
University of Duhok | ----- |
Womenpreneur | ----- |
Sirte University | ----- |
Faculty of Economics and Business | ----- |
University of Siena | ----- |
Islamic University of Gaza | ----- |
Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport | ----- |
Université de Sfax | ----- |
Centre for Research on the Arab World | ----- |
Salento University (Lecce) | Salento University shares the needs expressed by UNIMED to support and increase the development of higher education Institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean area by expanding and strengthening the ERASMUS program in the Southern Mediterranean regions. |
جامعه الزرقاء | ----- |
Bethlehem University | ----- |
POLITECNICO DI TORINO | As the vice-rector in charge for International Affairs, Politecnico di Torino confirms to support the Petition opened by UNIMED. |
Università degli Studi di Palermo | ----- |
University of Catania | ----- |
University of Poitiers | ----- |
Universidade de Evora | Great idea. Very important |
University of Évora | ----- |
Center for International Cooperation, University of Pavia | ----- |
INCOMA | ----- |
ESAD Colege of Art and Design | ----- |
Tunis Business School | ----- |
ISEAHZ | Je soutiens cette pétition |
Université de Sousse | je soutiens la pétition |
IMC-CPMR | ----- |
Center for Mediterranean Integration | ----- |
PT Erasmus+ National Agency | ----- |
Sapienza University of Rome | Deputy Rector for international Relations |
Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme | ----- |
university of sassari | ----- |
Erasmus Student Network | ----- |
Agro-On | ----- |
EUROSUD | ----- |
Intermediterranean Commission, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions | The CPMR Intermediterranean Commission (IMC) officially supports the UNIMED petition for a Mediterranean Erasmus Generation. The Political Bureau of the CPMR IMC formally endorsed and promoted the signature of the Petition during its last meeting held in Cartagena on the 15th of February 2018. Apostolos Katsifaras, President of the IMC and of the Region of Western Greece, signs this petition on behalf of the organization. |
CAP centro servizi di ateneo per l’apprendimento permanente | ----- |
Government of Castilla-La Mancha | As an ex Erasmus student and member of the Government of the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha I support the strengtheness of the International Credit Mobility dimension of the Erasmus+ Programme, the establishment of a South-South Mobility and also the integration of refugee students and academics in the Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education systems. |
ComeUnaMarea Onlus | ----- |
University of Tampere | ----- |
Abdelmalek Essaadi | ----- |
FSTT | ça serait sympa de voir plus d'échange d'étudiants |
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Tanger | Je soutiens cette pétition, et je trouve cette démarche logique et courageuse. |
FSTT | ----- |
Faculté des sciences et techniques | ----- |
institut des hautes études commerciales | ----- |
FST de TANGER | ----- |
Faculté Polydisciplinaire à Larache | ----- |
ASSF | ----- |
Bogazici University | ----- |
Ecole Nationale d’Architecture de Tetouan | ----- |
Usthb | Bonjour je suis vraiment intéressé par rapport a cette pétition car je suis un étudiant et un athlète de haut niveau,a raison d'obtenir une chance pour aller plus loin dans les deux . Merci pour cette pétition Et j'espère que vous pouvez me donner cette chance |
Alzaytiona University of Science and Technology | ----- |
Université de Gabès | ----- |
Faculté de sciences et techniques de tanger | Je suis bien interessé a s’engager au programme erasmus et decouvrir l’environement universitaire euromeditarranéen |
gbenedetto | ----- |
Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Guelmim – ESTG | As director of the institution I support the action and sign the petition. |
Università di Catania | ----- |
جامعة الموصل | ----- |
Université Oran 1 Ahmed Benbella | je vous soutiens vivement pour ces deux raisons :l'intégration des étudiants et des universitaires réfugiés dans les systèmes euro-méditerranéens d'enseignement supérieur; Renforcer l'action «Renforcement des capacités» pour travailler ensemble, développer, partager et transférer les meilleures pratiques et approches innovantes dans les domaines de l'éducation, de la formation et de la jeunesse. |
AL-QUDS UNIVERSITY | i strongly support your views on the Erasmus program |
المركز العربي للابحاث والدراسات الاعلامية | ----- |
Univeresité de Carthage | ----- |
Water and Environmental Studies Institute | ----- |
Erasmus Student Network Portugal | ----- |
university of el oued | Im intersting in The sustainable and effective management of water for agriculture |
Universty of Urbino- DiSPeA – Conservation and Restauration School | ----- |
Commissariat National du Littoral | j'adhère pour préserver et protéger la Méditerranée. |
Qasim Green University | Promoting a new Erasmus Mediterranean Generation for peace and prosperity and to achieve together new results for the benefit of the future of the students, the university staff and the Higher Education Institutions of the Mediterranean area. |
University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) | ----- |
AL-Quds University | thank you for supporting Palestine higher education |
Educational | ----- |
Palpaint | ----- |
Alasmarya Islamic University | We are signing this petition in order to ask the European Commission to support Uni-Med Countries and reinforce the “Capacity Building” action to work together, develop, share and transfer best practices and innovative approaches in the fields of education, training and youth. |
Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights | The league is the first organization in Africa and in the Arab world. It deals with human rights culture and defends the victims of human rights violations. She works in society. As it is established in all regions, it ensures the monitoring of the state of individual and fundamental rights and the dissemination of human rights values. |
ESN Spain | ----- |
Charmo University | I am Director of International Relations Office and I sign this petition |
ESN Granada | President of ESN Granada |
USTOMB | ----- |
Omar Al-mukhtar university | ----- |
the University of Zawia | Together we can go far to achieve a wonderful success we share |
Faculty of architecture and urbanisme, Polytechnic University of Tirana | ----- |
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